Happy New Year, well I know I am about almost two months off on this. But since my Father died in mid January I really have not had a lot of time for myself. So I have decided that since it is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent that this will be the beginning of a new year. A chance for renewal. Lent is a time to really look at your life and better it. It is a time of self evaluation. So I am going to start with a new year’s Lenten renewal.

Complete one hobby project a week! It could be knitting, sewing, making cards; working on my scrap books, working in the garden, my goal is to do more things that make me happy
- Get organized. Which includes getting my life back in to some semblance of order, since we miscarried I have felt like my life has just been blown to bits, there are days that it is just a struggle to get up and go to work. My father dying in January did not help that feeling either, but I need to get on with life and live, not just sit around like a lump
- Lose 25lbs this year. I know it is not all that I need to lose but it’s what I feel comfortable with. I don’t want to make an unattainable goal. I think it is better to make little goals and work toward them I can always up it later.
Yes that is it 3 goals, yes only 3. It’s a start to help me feel a little better about myself and the world around me.
- Write on this blog at least 4 times a month, that’s about once a week. I think I can do that.
Yes I know I said only 3 but I thought that since I was writing this on this blog that at least one of the goals should have something to do with it.
Bye for now!!!
I hate that we're separated by 4 hours of driving. I'd be over at your house hugging you so hard woman.