Thursday, March 31, 2011


Not much going on here, just playing the waiting game, 2WW, waiting for spring, waiting for lunch, waiting, waiting, waiting. I feel like that fish from finding Nemo. Just keep waiting. Just keep waiting. Just keep waiting, waiting, waiting. What do we do? We wait, wait, wait. I know it was swim, but I am playing the waiting game so it's wait.

I started sewing a skirt last night out of an old pair of pants. I just need to add the hem then I'm done.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Could eating curry while standing on your head and singing show tunes get you pregnant?

I feel like a need a break from this TTC journey, but I am afraid to stop. I keep thinking that if I don’t get pregnant soon the polyps will grow back and I will have gone thru the surgeries the MC and everything else for nothing.

I’m afraid if I take a break that I will never get pregnant. I am also afraid to move forward. I keep thinking that if I don’t pregnant then I can keep trying and I don’t have to worry because I’m not pregnant and that means I can’t be hurt, because I have nothing to lose. I’m afraid to move forward because I don’t know if I can handle the thought of another MC. I’m afraid to move forward because what if this does not work and the next step IUI or IVF. I can’t afford either of those options and my insurance does not cover it.

How can I get over my fears? How can I move forward? Do I want to?

I feel a little better. Sometimes it helps to voice your fears. Does voicing your fears make them come true any more than not saying a thing? I think not. God does what God does.

I recently read a blog by a woman who was saying she was taking a break but she felt that this was going to be the month because the equinox is this weekend and the moon will be the closest it’s been to the earth in I don’t know how long. I’m not sure if the moon will affect my fertility, but I am not going to chance it.

All I can do is pray, pray and pray for a child. I’m obsessed with having a child. I have become an expert on cervical mucus. I am obsessed with taking my temperature. Last and certainly not least I am addicted to fertility drugs, but what woman who is infertile is not.

We are a unique bunch of women. We check cervical mucus, we temp, and we do aerobatic’s after sex. If you told us eating curry while standing on our head and singing show tunes would get us pregnant, their would be millions of women around the world doing just that. If that was the case I would do it every day for the rest of my little eggie’s lives. So pray that the Moon and curry does its job this month. I will be singing show tunes all week and I will keep praying. he he he


I had a great night out last night with a couple of friends. We went to the Melting Pot in Brookfield. It was a girls night out complete with appetizers, salad and dessert. As well as getting to pick out a new/used purse. I really needed a night out with the girls but did not realize it until after we were done. TTC takes a lot out of a girl.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Just when you thought Spring was here....

Just when you thought Spring was here what happens we get 3 inches of that nasty "White Stuff". I know I said one of my words was JOY but how can we have that when we have all of this snow. I has just ogling my spring plant catalog. I think the same thing happened last year. Next year I should pay someone to steal all of my catalogs until after April, then maybe we would not get any of that "white stuff".

It's been a few hard days this month but it gets better every day. The first couple of days were filled with me crying off and on, stupid things would set me off, when Steve would ask what was wrong all I could come up with was that is March. Hopefully by the time this month is over I will be pregnant.

But every day I feel better and better. I got two new Civil War Dresses, Auntie Barb gave me two of hers that she can't wear anymore. One is a nice light cotton day dress which is purple with white stripes. The other one is yellow with flowers and green ribbon trim. The only thing I have to do is open up the arm holes on the purple dress. Other than finishing my under clothes I am good. I should also have my bonnet done after two years its almost done.

I was going to make a dress, but then I thought what if I am pregnant and can't fit into it. So that is when Auntie Barb said I could have these two dresses. I did pick out some fabric and I think we are going to make a sack or maybe a dressing gown. O' I also need to get a hoop.

Well goodnight all.