Sunflowers and Gardening is a place were I can comment on my garden, home, crafts and anything else on my mind.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Happy Cesar Chavez Day.
Week 13
I think my worst hairstyle would be when I turned 18 and decided to cut all 18 inches of my hair off and get a perm, which proceeded to frizz out after I spent a week long bike trip in Kansas with my head in a bike helmet.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Week 11 & Week 12
Everything from the drip in the faucet to my sister, keeps me awake at night. I need to try and leave my problems outside when I get home. I have a tendency to sit up at night and just keep thinking and thinking about everything that I have to do.
Q12- What are you grateful for right now?
I am grateful for my husband I do not know what I would do without him. I am grateful for the sun that shines and everything God has give us.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Week 10
I hope I can do this question justice. The only movies that come to mind off the top of my head are movies that I have been to just for the pleasure of being out with my husband.
Q10 - name 5 movies that inspire you creatively...
1. The Labyrinth
2. Pan’s Labyrinth
3. Pride & Prejudice
4. 1776
5. Moulin Rouge
Monday, March 9, 2009
It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Well it's March here in Wisconsin and we have a nice fluffy layer of snow on the ground again. Yesterday I was sitting at home rotating between ogling seed catalogs and unpacking the piles of boxes in my new home, when we were hit with a snow storm. Well it did not start out that way, it started by raining for a couple of hours then the water froze on the trees, making them look like glass sculptures and with the wind whipping around the branches it sounded like some one was dropping beads on the roof. Then it started to snow, and here I was already to start my garden (not outside of course but inside). Well the snow put a damper on my mood, so all the egg cartons are sitting in the living room window already to be planted and I am not in the mood to put even one seed in. I think I have a Love/Hate relationship with snow. I love the snow at the beginning of the season, but I hate it when I get the spring itch to start planting. Oh well I guess I will never learn.
Voodoo Chicken Queen
Friday, March 6, 2009
Week 9
9. What was the last brave thing I did?
The bravest thing that I have done is bought a house in this economy.
The New House

We really want to put new window's in the house because some of them have been broken and then sealed with cauk. Almost all of the windows in the house have been caulked shut. We also want to update the Kitchen the layout is very odd.
We also want to remove a wall from that seperates the sunroom and the livingroom so that we can have one great room.
I will try and keep everyone updated on our progress. Have a blessed week.