Friday, May 25, 2012

Dr. Appointment

Well after pulling myself up by my nonexistent boot straps I mustered up the courage to call and make an appointment for a Reproductive Endocrinologist to help us get pregnant. I had been dragging my feet on this because, what if what they suggest is something out of our price range and this will be the end. I was afraid to risk the end of my dream. I was afraid to get off of the ride. But, I read this article and it helped a lot. . Sarah being pregnant "again" helped me as well. I cried myself to sleep a few nights and then made the appointment. Steve and I will be seeing the Doctor on Wednesday. Keep us in your prayers because this is going to be the last ditch effort and the last thing that we will be trying. FINGERS CROSSED THAT THIS WORKS!!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Where is the Funny Farm?

Where is the Funny Farm I have looked it up and the Funny farm can refer to:

• Funny farm, a pejorative slang term for a psychiatric hospital

• By extension, pejorative slang for many workplaces which are perceived to be dysfunctional

I have yet to find a Psychiatric hospital that is named the funny farm. I there for can not pay my sister her just rewards for her suggestion. Unless she works for a comedy club I have no idea where the Funny Farm is.

I have many bills which have been accumulated in the production of my at home do it yourself shock treatment. (No takers yet). So if she should get a check for 20% of the profits, shouldn’t she also get 80% of the Bills? I am not the best at Math, but I like the numbers and they look good to me. “I can be a bit dyslexic” aren’t we all.

Hey there is something that needs an invention, no not an invention a TV commercial! Dyslexic people need your help more then ever. Thousands and thousands of Americans are Dyslexic only your donations can help so please be generous. Just think thousands of dyslexic Americans and only you can help make a difference in a Dyslexic person’s life just think no longer being hungry, dirty, need new cars or letters switched around. There lives will be much better but only you can help. Send your pledges to 1-800-Dys-lexi ext: a .
Stay tuned for a new plot to thincken in our next exciting episode of four for the show or two pairs of plants.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

2nd, First Sock Is Now Complete

So I finished my 2nd pair of my 1st sock pattern that I have ever tried. They look so much better than the first pair.

So now that, that is finished I have started a new pair. Here they are:

Ya, I know its not much to look at but when it is done it will look great. Hey, don't get on my case, This is only 3 rows and they are really tiny needles. {sigh}

Over the weekend we had the greatest time for Mother's Day. We took my Mom and Antie Barb out for our annual Mother's day tea at Watt's Tea Room in downtown Milwaukee. If you are looking for a great place to have tea in Milwaukee, Watt's is the place.

It started with picking out our tea, for our first course it was a sampling of four kinds of finger sandwiches and some fruit. For dessert we had a fudge brownie, sunshine cake, and a hot scone. It was so wonderful. We will be doing it again next year.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Self Medication vs Shock Treatment

My sister, after reading my latest and greatest article, wrote that instead of self-medication I should consider Shock Treatment. Well after careful consideration I have come to the conclusion that perhaps she is correct and that I do need shock treatment.

Well after I did some research and found out the price of Shock Treatment I have begun to consider an alternative coarse of action. I am now looking into ways to build my own Home Shock Treatment Kit.

So here it is from the company that brought you the George Forman Grill and the Epilady well here you have it now "The do it your-self happy kit". What it really is is one of those home hair removal machines hooked up to a car battery. Of course this is still in its testing stages but it could be yours for the one time low, low, price of 29 payments of $199.99. Order now and you will receive a second kit free, you only pay the shipping and handling. Call now at 1-800-SHOCK-IT.